Behavioral Consulting

Positive Behavior Supports 

We provide support services to residents, families, leadership teams, support staff, medical staff, and anyone involved in providing long-term care.  We also provide training, implement workshops and conferences, and conduct presentations throughout the Northwest.

We have a track record of success working with individuals with challenging and complex behaviors that prevent them from living the life they deserve, utilizing Positive Behavior Support Strategies.

Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a set of research-based strategies used to increase the quality of life and decrease problem behavior by teaching new skills and making changes in a person's environment.

Prevention Strategies 

Carefully selected strategies that make challenging behavior irrelevant and reduces the likelihood that the individual would need or want to engage in challenging behaviors. Prevention strategies are used in anticipation of the occurrence of challenging behavior to support the individual through their routines and tasks, and minimize the likelihood of  engaging in challenging behaviors 

Replacement Strategies 

One of the key components of a behavior support plan is to teach new skills to replace challenging behaviors. We work with the individual to develop new ways to communicate or new skills for participating in activities. Verbal modeling and prompting as well as using external cues such as pictures, sign language, and gestures are some of the ways individuals can be taught to make requests or escape from something.  By modeling simple phrases and actions and supporting individuals in using the new communication skills, we teach replacement skills that decrease the likelihood of challenging behaviors.

Positive reinforcement or descriptive feedback is an essential component that goes hand in hand with teaching replacement skills.

Response Strategies

 The way support staff respond to challenging behaviors sends a very important message to their residents.  It is necessary to use preventive strategies and teach appropriate ways of communicating, It is vital that they provide logical consequences to help guide the individual to learn expectations for behavior in a variety of situations. It is necessary to communicate to the individual that challenging behavior will not work.  This communication must happen in a positive way that promotes the dignity, independence and growth of the person.


We develop Person-Centered, Behavioral, and Activity plans that center on the individual and focus on representing who they are.  We take into account their past and everything that made them who they are today.   We find out their current situation and what external and internal forces work both for and against them.  Finally, we seek to understand who and where they want to be.  We utilize goal setting and skill enhancement to develop a plan o get the individual to where they want to be.